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Review | NYC Smooth Skin Mousse Foundation

Today is a review of a type of foundation I have not used before. I am now working in Superdrug and standing in the makeup aisle for over 5 hours a day has its benefits because I get to play around with all the stuff, recommend products to customers etc. I was going to buy the Maybelline Dream Matte Foundation but that was £7.99. The NYC one is only £3.99.

The shade I got is 701, Natural Beige. The problem with Superdrug is that they don't always have testers on foundations and if they do they get stolen which sucks because loads of customers complain about it. There was not a tester with this so I had to chose really carefully and use the ninja skills I don't have to try and select the right one. Apparently I have awesome ninja skills and this colour suits my skin great.

My first impression is that it is really smooth, light and creamy.

Let's start with the good things about this.

First, because the formula is so light, it doesn't seem to clog up my pores like other foundations I've tried do. Usually I don't wear foundation but I'm going to start using this more. It covers imperfections really well but my skin is quite bad at the moment, just from the weather, and I have nice big red patches on my forehead and breakouts and stuff like that. As good as it covers, I always put a concealer over the more noticeable imperfections first and then apply foundation followed by the concealer again and it works fine. I have really dark circles under my eyes, not necessarily from lack of sleep, I think it's just genetics, but I coneal them first and then apply foundation with another concealer and the darkness is reduced.

The mousse foundation seems to blend out really nicely and it blends smoothly; the last foundation I tried made my skin dry out while I was applying it and it was not good. This is really smooth, doesn't cake up, doesn't dry my skin out, and even without a primer applied first it does not move about or smudge, like some other ones I've tried.

There aren't really any flaws worth mentioning with this product and I am quite happy with it, just that it isn't very long lasting without a primer but that's fine, primers are the solution to nearly every 'my makeup won't stay!' dilemma and its definaley worth spending money on primers for face and eyes because otherwise you could do the most amazing makeup ever but it creases after an hour.

I hope you guys enjoyed this review and I will blog again soon :)

SparkleEyes x

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