Thursday night was the
US Nationals Ladies Short Program and it marked the return of Miss
Sasha Cohen...

She returned to Figure Skating after a four year absence. This was her FIRST competition this season (due to injury) and since taking a hiatus back in 2006. Nobody even knew if she would arrive, until Wednesday afternoon! As you can see from
the video of her practice, EVERYONE was following her EVERY MOVE, jump, and footwork sequence. In the end, she did great, considering the extreme pressure she was under, with very minor mistakes. There are very few people in the professional figure skating world who could do that (
Michelle Kwan comes to mind but after that, I can't really think of anyone). Sasha is currently in second place.

In terms of her costume: I loved it! It was perfect for her
Paso Doble Short Program. It featured a caviar-beaded embroidered bodice with skin-colored stretch netting cut-outs and a mini fluttery skirt, all in a deep
Sevillana red. I could have done without those gloves, they're too 1984 Senior Prom for me.
Costume Score: 8.8 out of 10! 
One of the favorites to make it onto the Olympic Team (only two spots this year kiddies!)
Rachael Flatt, did not dissapoint. In what many people have regarded as one of her strongest programs ever, Rachael skated very well. Her fun personality came through while at the same time, "nailing" all the jumps. One of the only ladies to land a triple-triple at the Grand prix season, this time she garnered 3rd Place for the short program (very close to Sasha). Her rose-pink sequined costume fitted her bubbly exuberance perfectly. There was nothing "shocking", too "Couture" or too "costume high-brow". It was Figure Skating 101 done well.
Costume Score: 7.5 out of 10.
Mirai Nagasu placed 1st Place (!!) after a near flawless Short Program. Wish I could say the same for her choice of costume. I know that sometimes Short Program Costumes are not as "showy" as the Long Program ones but even with that, I just wasn't a fan of this velvet and gold beaded concoction. It looked old. Not old as in an 80 year-old Grandma would wear, but old as in it had been in a closet since 1962 and suddenly it was dusted off and brought out for "a new life". Score: 4.5 out of 10.

2008 US Bronze Medalist
Ashley Wagner placed 4th Place after a shakey Short Program in Spokane Washington. Her costume was an ombre violet-blue number featuring side leaf-like beading.

I loved the asymmetrical skirt, the one-sleeve-like detail with one lone feather sticking out of the beading... but I DID NOT like how high the bodice was cut--it really BUGGED me for some reason. I give her--and her costume designer--points for a very interesting costume design that was pretty but yet directional.
Score: 7.5 out of 10. See you next time for the much-anticipated US National Ladies Long Program---loking forward to seeing some more Figure Skating COUTURE!!!
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