I'm just back from the most relaxing holiday in Nice and it seems the Irish Summer is truly over (what little Summer we had). As sad as I am that the hot weather of the French Riviera will soon be a distant memory, I'm very excited for my favourite time of year- Autumn.
I've already been doing some shopping for Autumnal clothing and accessories to add to my cold weather wardrobe. I had a look in Zara when I was in Nice and saw so many things I loved so I decided to share some of my favourite pieces from their new collection with you today.

I've already been doing some shopping for Autumnal clothing and accessories to add to my cold weather wardrobe. I had a look in Zara when I was in Nice and saw so many things I loved so I decided to share some of my favourite pieces from their new collection with you today.
As much as I love the 70s trend on other people, most of the clothes just don't do anything for my curvy figure, however I do love a good blouse with my jeans and this Loose Fit Blouse screams late 70s Stevie Nicks to me. The V-neckline is something I try to go for with looser fit clothing because it just makes it that much more flattering on me. I could see myself wearing this with black jeans and this amazing Leather Jacket, heeled boots like these Combined Ankle Boots and a wide brimmed hat. I love these Sparkle Ankle Boots that my boyfriend has nicknamed the David Bowie boots. I think they would be a great alternative to heels for the Christmas party season as they're dressy yet more comfortable for walking around in the cold weather. Another way of bringing the 70s trend into my Autumn/Winter wardrobe is with a statement coat like this Jacket with oversized sheepskin lapels. I adore the colour of this and at only €59.95 for a wool mix it's an inexpensive way to keep warm and look stylish this Autumn.
One of the things I love about Autumn/Winter clothing is playing with textures. I love this fluffy metallic and navy Leopard Print Sweater and this burgundy Mock Croc Messenger Bag for adding dimension to an outfit. Another way I like to incorporate trends into my wardrobe is with my accessories and as much as I love the fringing and tassel trend I think I prefer it on shoes/bags/jewellery as opposed to clothing. This stunning pale green Leather Messenger Bag with Tassels is a great way to bring colour into your Autumn wardrobe, I absolutely adored the pastel trend last Winter, I think paler shades look really chic in the colder months.
Zara has become one of my favourite high street shops for jewellery in recent years. In terms of statement jewellery, they have some incredibly cool pieces like these Long Geometric Earrings that could be an amazing alternative to the usual sparkly Christmas bling. This black Chain Necklace is in the same vain as the earrings, a statement piece of jewellery without looking like a Christmas Tree. It looks incredible in person.
Lastly is my favourite Autumnal accessory, the blanket scarf. As soon as the weather gets chilly I have to have my neck covered and I'm always on the look out for a gorgeous cosy scarf to keep me warm. When I was in Nice I saw this Zig Zag Scarf and fell in love but I knew I wouldn't be able to fit it in my already full suitcase so as soon as I got home I went into Zara to buy it. While I was there I also saw this Animal Print Scarf and it's now at the top of my list to buy on payday. It looks amazing on and it's so soft and cosy. I love a printed scarf for adding some style to a plain coat in the Winter. I'm now excited for the weather to get colder so that I can wear my new scarf (I must be completely crazy).
What's on your Autumn/Winter shopping list?
Emma x
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